Dear Parents/Carers,
We are launching our new attendance incentive starting from Monday 9th January as our current whole school attendance is still below National and we are finding that those children that have the lowest attendance are falling behind their peers in their classroom learning. Whilst we appreciate that sometimes the children do pick up illnesses and cannot be in school, attendance at school has such an impact on each child and we want to always encourage that they attend to help them socially and emotionally as well as in their learning.
Golden Tickets
To receive a golden ticket, the children need to attend a full week of school and at the end of each week (every Friday) they will receive a golden ticket from their class teacher. These will be gathered together by the office so that there can be a prize draw at the end of term assembly. We will separate the tickets so that there will be two prize draws. One will be for the whole of KS2 and one will be for Reception class and KS1. There will be two winners drawn from each, so four winners per term in total and these children will be awarded with prizes, such as family cinema vouchers and other exciting family prizes for you all to enjoy. The more that the children attend school during each term then the more chances they will have to win a prize at the end of the term.
As well as this, we will still continue with our 100% termly attendance certificates and Mrs Rimmer will continue to have termly prizes with classes who have the best attendance each term, which includes fun activities such as class bingo games.
We will review our golden ticket rewards at the end of the academic year. If it has made a positive impact on attendance, we may consider continuing with this into the next academic year. We will ensure that we write to you again to keep you informed.
We look forward to launching this and giving out our first set of prizes at the end of this term.
Kind Regards,
Mrs L Rimmer