
back to nursery

PEPA Tots Nursery has 21 places, and is open from 8:45am – 3:00pm for 38 weeks of the year, operating as part of Peninsula East Primary Academy, part of the Leigh Academies Trust.

A child born on or between 1st April and 31st August will be eligible for a free place from September, following their third birthday.  

There are three intakes per year: September, January and April.

Funding Options

15 hours funding

All 3 to 4-year-old children in England can get 570 hours of free early education or childcare per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.

30 Hours Funding

Each parent (or sole parent in a single family) will need to earn over £120 per week (or £112.80 if you are aged 21-24) and no more than £100k per annum from paid employment, which entitles a child to up to 30 hours’ free childcare per week.  This is usually taken as 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.  

Click here for more information about funding and eligibility

Funding and session times can be agreed with the nursery teacher / office manager prior to your child starting nursery. Any additional hours will be invoiced for a week in advance.

Our pattern of funded hours are as follows:

  • 8:45am – 3pm Monday – Friday (5 days per week): 30 hours
  • 8:45am – 11:45am Monday – Friday (5 days per week): 15 hours
  • 12:00pm – 3:00pm Monday – Friday (5 days per week): 15 hours
  • 15 hours government funded placement consists of 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions (38 weeks per year, term time only)