If you have previously qualified for Free School Meals you will need to reapply for your child/children to continue receiving them from September 2015. Please pick up an application form from the school office. Please note that the information that you submit is completely confidential. Your children, who are attending the Academy, are entitled to receive school meals free of charge if you receive any of the following:
- Income support
- Income based Jobseekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (not including Working Tax Credit)
- The Guarantee element of the State Pension Credit
- Asylum Seekers
- An Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Even if you are unsure as to whether you qualify for Free School Meals please complete the form – it only takes 2 minutes! All Academy meals meet the government’s food standards, which mean they are healthy and nutritious, and additionally are very tasty! Please ask at the Canteen for a menu if you would like to see what’s on offer, and parents are welcome to come and have a school meal with their child any time.