Harvest Festivals letter

A young boy is seen sat at his desk using a tablet computer in a classroom.

Dear Parents and Carers,        

Harvest Festivals

We are delighted to be able to invite you to join in our Harvest Festival celebration.  As we have done in previous years, we will be collecting food.  The food will be shared with local homeless people and also to families that rely on food parcels. If you do know of anyone more local who might be in need of a food parcel, please do contact the academy office and we can arrange this. 

We would really welcome donations of canned and packet foods.  Please send these in with your child/children to their class teacher or the office by Wednesday 11th October.  We will display our collection at the front of the hall for everyone to see. 

The Harvest Festival performances will take place on:

Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Nursery, Reception and KS1 Harvest Assembly: 10-10.30am
  • KS2 Harvest Assembly: 2.30-3pm

Each class will share some songs to give thanks for all the food we have and give thanks to our local farmers and the produce that they grow and provide to us.  The children will need to stay in school until the end of the school day.  We look forward to being able to welcome you all to watch the children’s performances.  

If you would like to attend, there are 2 spaces available per child. Please book on MCAS.

We look forward to sharing the performances with you.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Champ | Vice Principal