Dear Parents/Carers of Year 6,
On Thursday 21st September, at 3:30pm in the hall, we will be holding a meeting to discuss the End of Key Stage 2 SATS. This is an important meeting and we strongly encourage attendance where possible. You are also welcome to bring the Year 6 children along to join us as it is key that they are in the meeting, hearing the key messages and have the opportunity to ask questions. I will also be able to share with you a print off of individual data for the MOCK SATs that the children sat in Year 5 so that you are aware of your child’s starting point for Year 6 and what they will need to focus on. More detail of next steps will be discussed in parents meetings next term.
In the meeting, we will discuss:
- What are the SATs?
- How are the SATs carried out?
- How are results calculated and reported?
- Content of the SATS
- How can I support my child?
- How can I do my best?
The meeting will finish by 4:00pm. Myself, Mrs Champ and Mrs Rimmer will be in the hall afterwards if there are any informal questions that you or your child would like to ask. Both Mrs Rimmer and Mrs Champ will also be holding additional SATs support meetings for children to attend and further information will follow on these. We would highly advise attendance at any extra sessions that will support your child and hope that you will support us to ensure that your child does attend these if they are held before or after school.
Whilst this meeting does explain SATs in more detail, it is also about the children starting to get ready for secondary school. Regardless of statutory tests, we want the children to be at the Expected level of achievement for the end of Year 6 so that they do not start Year 7 working below their peers as this will also impact their mental health and well-being. Mr Guerin-Hasset, the Principal at Hundred of Hoo secondary, will write to those that apply and successfully gain a place at his school to outline the importance of the children being able to meet the end of year 6 outcomes to ensure that children are not behind in their learning when they start secondary school.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible to share this important information, address any concerns and ensure all pupils and families feel prepared.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Brading