World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March 2023

Two young girls are pictured smiling together whilst reading a large picture storybook.

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading, our school will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. On this special day, your child can come to school dressed as their favourite character from any book, if they wish. We would love to see homemade costumes and do not expect parents to go to the expense of buying new costumes. There will be a competition for the best dressed book character from each class that will be judged by the Head boys and girls and their deputies with a prize being awarded. We would also like them to bring in their favourite reading book to school as they will be given the opportunity to share this with other children.

As well as this, the children will be participating in lots of exciting activities throughout the day, including teacher’s sharing their favourite books and entering a competition to win a book! All children will receive a £1 book token which entitles them to one free world book day 2023 book or £1 off a book or audiobook costing £2.99 or more in participating retailers. Please see this link for more information.

We look forward to seeing your child dressed up for the special day on Thursday 2nd March. Make sure you look out for staff as we will all be taking part and dressing up too!

Thank you in advance for all of your support.

Kind Regards,

Miss Goldfinch
Year 2 Class Teacher
Reading, Phonics & Art Lead