We have arranged for a specialist outdoor company to come in and work with our children in Year R – 6 to design and decorate their own ceramic christmas bauble. We are asking that all parents contribute £2.50 so that the children can create these and then they will be able to take them home to keep and that way, we thought that this would be a great keepsake for them to have to put up on their Christmas trees and to keep for the future. In the nursery, Mrs Imthiyaz is also going to ensure that the children create something more suitable for their age group to keep and take home too.
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank the PEPA PTA as they have contributed funds to enable this wonderful workshop to take place and for us to offer the baubles at a reduced cost to parents, which I am sure everyone will really appreciate.
Please use Parentmail to contribute your payment for the bauble painting by Friday 2nd December so that your child can take the bauble home with them after the workshop.
Please contact the office if you have any further questions and thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
Miss Goldfinch
Art/Phonics/Reading lead and Year 2 class teacher