Harvest Celebrations 2022 – 26th Sept 2022

Modern state of the art Combine harvester harvesting a crop of ripened canola - oilseed rape on a late summers evening in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds, focus on the crop in the foreground

Dear parents and carers,

Following the success of last year’s ‘Jewel in the Marshland project’ and liaising with the local church, we are going to continue to celebrate lost heritage days this year with the children.  The first one we will be celebrating is Lammas day which we will be celebrating in school on Monday 3rd October 2022.  During the afternoon, each class will take part in a range of activities such as:

  • Learning about the land and how work on it has changed over the years. 
  • Looking at the local farming landscape and how it has changed. 
  • Making bread. 
  • Making corn dollies.

If you have any pictures of farming or of the local area that you would be happy to share with the school to support this learning, please let the office know. 

Lammas Day links to our Harvest celebrations and so we are delighted to be able to invite you to our assemblies to share our celebration with you.  As we have done in previous years, we will be collecting for the charity that our very own Miss Elms works with, collecting food for the homeless.  The food will be used in the homeless kitchens to ensure that local homeless people in Rochester receive meals throughout the day and also to families that rely on food parcels. If you do know of anyone more local who might be in need of a food parcel, please do contact the academy office and we can arrange this.

Each class will perform a song/poem/dance to give thanks for all the food we have and as we are part of a rural community, we are also thankful for our local farmers and the produce that they grow and provide to us. Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will perform at 1.30pm on Thursday 6th October in the school hall. All of KS2 will perform at 2.30pm after the younger children have performed and parents will be able to either leave or stay on for the KS2 performance if you have children in both Key stages.  Apart from Nursery, the rest of the children will need to stay in school until the end of the school day. We look forward to being able to welcome you all to watch the children’s performances.  Nursery children who only come in for morning sessions, will be invited to attend for the afternoon session on Thursday 6th October if they would like to join in with the performance. 

We would really welcome donations of canned and packet foods.  Please send these in with your child/children to their class teacher or the office from Tuesday 27th September.  If you wish to donate any fresh produce, then please do this on the day of the children’s performances as Miss Elms will take all of the donations to the charity on Friday 7th October.

We look forward to sharing the performances with you and thank you for your support in advance.

Kind regards,

Mrs L Rimmer