Dear Parents/Carers,
As a school, we have signed up to the KM Buster’s Book Club, which is a weekly challenge for children from Years 1 to 6 to further develop our ‘reading for pleasure’. This is in addition to our termly reading raffles, which will also continue.
On Tuesday 20th September, we will be launching the scheme and each child will be given a bookmark for their reading journal – if you can ensure that they bring this into school with them on Tuesday, that would be great. Then, every Wednesday, when they read at home, please record their reading minutes on the bookmark as well as in their reading journal. Each class will total up their minutes on Thursday morning and a winning class will be announced in our Friday assembly. Winners could be the class with the most minutes, the most improved or thos reading lots of additional minutes. There will also be times through the year when the KM team will provide additional prizes to the winning class.
Any amount of reading is useful but an aim would be for children to read for the following times for Buster’s Book Club:
- Reception and Year 1 – 10 minutes
- Years 2 and 3 – 15 minutes
- Years 4, 5 and 6 – 20 minutes
Please find attached a letter from the KM team that explains Buster’s Book Club in more detail.
Kind Regards,
Mr Sullivan-Stanley
Letter from the KM Team about Buster’s Book Club