Sir David Attenborough is a British naturalist and television personality, world-famous for writing, presenting and producing award-winning wildlife documentaries. A great communicator, educator and campaigner, his distinctive voice has brought the world of wildlife into our homes for more than 60 years, captivating generations across the globe.

David is also a passionate environmental campaigner and for many years has warned us of the fragile nature of our planet. Over the years he has addressed issues such as global warming, population growth and endangered species. His work on Blue Planet II also alerted the world to the devastating effect that plastic was having on marine life.

David has won numerous awards, including a CBE (1974), a BAFTA lifetime achievement award (1980), a Royal Society fellowship (1983), a knighthood (1985), Order of Merit (2002), and over 30 honorary degrees from British universities. At least 11 plants and animals have also been named after him, such as Nepenthes attenboroughii – a giant carnivorous plant discovered in 2009 (nicknamed ‘rat-eater’ because it attracts animals with its sweet nectar!)

Despite his age, David continues to dedicate his life to the celebration and protection of our planet, and to inspire generations to maintain the beauty and balance of our natural world.

Transdisciplinary Themes

During the year we will cover the following transdisciplinary themes:

  • Who we are
  • Where we are in place and time
  • How we express ourselves
  • Sharing the planet
  • How we organise ourselves
  • How the world works

When following these themes, we will have a central idea and some key concepts which our inquiry will be based around.


Homework is set every Friday and will mirror activities that we are learning in the classroom. Children will be asked to complete a short arithmetic task, a reading comprehension, Times Tables and Spelling practice (using the TTRS and Spelling Shed websites) and this needs to be handed in by the following Thursday. Knowledge Organisers will be available on the website every term too so you will be able to see what we are covering in all areas of learning, in case you wish to complete additional learning at home.

During half terms, Year 6 children will also bring some work home to help them prepare for their end of Key Stage Two SATs tests. This work will consist of arithmetic, grammar and reading practice.


PE for our class is on a Tuesday and Friday. Children are asked to come into school wearing their PE kit on these days please.

Timestables, Spelling and Reading

All children have a login to Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Shed which they can access in class and at home.

Children are encouraged to independently change their own books so that they regularly have access to an engaging text. They read with an adult as often as possible to ensure that the book band that they read from is appropriate and supports their progress and reading skills. We ask that when children read, it is recorded in their reading record and signed by an adult.

Knowledge Organisers

Module 1

who we are

Central Idea:
Beliefs and values of ancient civilisations might have had a lasting impact.

Career Focus:

Core Texts:

  • Pig Heart Boy

English Writing:

  • Diary entry
  • Newspaper report
  • Debate


  • Place value
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division


  • Circulatory system
  • Recognising the impact diet, exercise and drugs have on human bodies
  • Describe the way nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans


  • Ancient Mayan civilisation
  • Where they were based and how they lived


  • Using an atlas to find where the Maya civilisations were and how the land has changed over time


  • Families and friendships
  • Safe relationships


  • Christian, Hindu & non-religious: What do religions say to us when things get hard?


  • Drawing: The Vitruvian by Leonardo da Vinci


  • Hey Mr Miller!


  • Everything about me: name, age, where I live