Maya Anglou was known for being an American writer and poet, who wrote many memorable poems that can be seen as inspirational. One of her most famous quotes is: ‘be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’ . The children can relate to this when they show caring and open minded learner attributes.

While Maya was a young age she was mute, however, as she grew up she began talking again teaching the children that no matter what happens in life it can take a positive turn and your dreams can be achieved. Maya was a fantastic poet and writer who communicated her thoughts well, creating many that are related to in class as well as as the children grow and relate to matters on the outside world.

Maya also played a vital role in the civil rights movement and worked alongside Martin Luther King. She fought for the rights of everyone to ensure an equal opportunity. It is important that the children understand their own rights and can understand the reasoning behind Maya peacefully protesting. Maya Angelou consistently shows the IB learner attributes therefore inspiring the children throughout their time in year 3 and many to come.

Our transdisciplinary themes for this year:

Inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; person, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human

Inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; communities and the relationship within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Inquiry into the natural world and its laws, the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organisations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationship between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives

Inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Above you  will find the transdisciplinary themes for the year. During each module we will cover a range of topics across a range of different subjects. Each theme will have a central idea and some key concepts which our inquiry will be based on. Please see the Module knowledge organiser for further break down on topics and learning that will be taking place this term.

Reading (Vipers)

Every day the children will be doing 30 minutes of reading; this will involve reading a piece of text and answering a range of questions. The skills the children will learn in reading are Vocabulary, Inferring, predicting, Explaining, Retrieving and Summarising. There will also be one session a week where children read for pleasure, meaning that they can choose any book they would like. Children are provided with a reading journal with an opportunity to change their books every day. It is expected that children read daily at home, and this is to be recorded in their reading journals. We have also provided the children with reading bookmarks, allowing them to achieve a stamp if they read three times a week. At different points of the book mark the children will receive a prize for all their fantastic reading!


Although phonics is not a focus for year 3, there is no harm in practising the different sounds at home as this will support spelling. Some useful websites that can be used at home are:

Phonics Bloom Phonics Play


As a school we do not do spelling tests, as we implement their spelling words into their work as well as teaching them how to break down their spelling words. Each week the children will be exposed to new spelling words focusing on a new skill, the children will engage in a range of activities. The children have also been provided with a login for spelling shed where the our weekly spelling focus will be added, when logging in they are able to engage in a range of games and activities that support learning the new spellings alongside the new skill.

Spelling Shed


Homework for children will be uploaded to Google Classroom weekly. The children should try to complete the homework set, they can complete the homework throughout the week. It will be posted on google classroom Monday and it can be handed in the following Monday. Children can either hand in their homework or it can be posted on google classroom. The homework consists of TTRS, reading, spellings and maths.


Once a week, the children will learn Spanish following a sequence of lessons that develop their language knowledge. We have a Spanish specialist teacher coming in to teach Spanish every Tuesday. The children are able to practise their Spanish at home using Languagenut, there are a range of games and activities that the children can engage in. If you are unsure of their log-in please let me know and this can be sorted.


Times Table Rockstars (TTRS):

This year we will be focusing on fast recall of all timetables; TTRS allows the children to practise this and provides the class teacher with data on which timetables might need to be reviewed. Children can log onto their accounts at home whenever they wish. If you could support your child in practising their timetables, this would be hugely appreciated. If your child does not know their log in please do let me know and this can be sorted.

Times Tables Rockstars


The children will have PE every Tuesday and can come to school in their PE kit. Each term, they will develop a new skill and learn to work effectively in teams. This year we also have the opportunity to go swimming, every week the children will develop a new swimming skill.

Knowledge Organisers

Module 5

This term we are learning all about expeditions, more specifically looking at Ernest Shacketons and his journey into Antarctica. As a class we will be exploring his journey and using his top tips to plan our own expedition down to Haven caravan site to do some litter picking as we want to preserve the area for wildlife. 

Within our learning of Antarctica we will further develop our knowledge in Geography as we are going to be applying many of our skills into planning our expedition as well as creating a map, collecting data and analysing litter in the local area. Our art skills will be linked into our expedition as we will complete a collage of the different things we saw and did during our journey. Please head to our Google Classroom for this module’s Knowledge Organiser, which contains further information on what Year 3 will be learning.

how we organise ourselves

Central Idea:
Systems can be created by humans to organise societies.

Career Focus:

Core Texts:

  • Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx
  • Meet the Ancient Egyptian


  • Form: Ancient Egyptian society
  • Perspective: Belief system within societies

English Writing:

  • Writing a persuasive piece
  • An explanation text
  • A narrative story


  • Mass
  • Capacity
  • Fractions


  • Animals, including humans
  • Understanding that animals cannot make their own food
  • Learning the five different food groups and their importance
  • The importance of having a skeleton


  • All about Ancient Egypt
  • Exploring their society and ways of living


  • Location of the River Nile
  • Exploring the importance of the river to transport goods
  • Daily life in Egypt


  • Hobbies
  • Pets
  • Where I live


  • Physical health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Keeping safe


  • Why do people pray?


  • Netball


  • Sculpting


  • March